Communications Timeline

Download the Comprehensive Communication Guide to Prepare for KY Gives Day!

Major Milestones

Month 1

The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Encourage nonprofits to sign up for KY Gives Day
  • Network with and recruit local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify KY Gives Day’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters

You should:

  • Sign up for KY Gives Day and customize your profile
  • Assemble your KY Gives Day team and involve them in planning how your KY Gives Day campaign will complement your annual fundraising strategy
  • Attend a webinar to learn about KY Gives Day, how to promote your KY Gives Day campaign, and how to recruit and utilize peer-to-peer fundraisers
  • Discover all the resources available for you to use in your nonprofit toolkit (email marketing, social media posts, graphics, planning guide, and more!)

Month 2

The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Work with local newspapers, radio stations, and other media outlets to continue spreading the word to a wider audience about KY Gives Day
  • Continue offering trainings to nonprofits participating in KY Gives Day, and those interested in the opportunity, on giving day best practices.
  • Develop content for nonprofits participating in KY Gives Day to use, and for use on KYGives24 social media pages, Facebook and Twitter.

You should:

  • Craft your campaign story. How are you celebrating KY Gives Day? How will you use the funds raised during KY Gives Day? Why should donors give to you on KY Gives Day? Watch our Storytelling Training Video to learn more!
  • Recruit fundraising champions for your campaign. You can use your Board, volunteers, or staff!
  • Let your volunteers know you’re participating in KY Gives Day and you need their help in extra special ways! Give them meaningful assignments to fully engage them.
  • Develop your messaging plan for the next 2 months to ensure your donors know you are participating in KY Gives Day on May 7th. Download the email and social media timelines in the Nonprofit Toolkit to get a head start!

Month 3

The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Provide more resources to local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify KY Gives Day’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters
  • Continue promoting KY Gives Day to nonprofits across the region

You should:

  • Send out a save the date email and social media post to all of your supporters! Download the KY Gives Day “Save the Date” graphic from the Nonprofit Toolkit to make sure your messages stand out!
  • Host a fundraising champion kick-off party to teach your fundraising champions best practices on fundraising!

Month 4

The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Heavily promote KY Gives Day to all media outlets across the region
  • Finalize partnerships with local businesses to benefit every nonprofit participating in KY Gives Day

You should:

  • Post on social media regularly about KY Gives Day, using the hashtag KYGives24
  • Email your supporters with additional details about KY Gives Day. How do they give? Why should they give? When should they give?
  • Ensure your campaign story and messaging are ready to go. Make a test donation to make sure you understand the process.

Day of

The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Heavily promote KY Gives Day to all media outlets across the region
  • Provide 24-hour support to all nonprofits and their supporters

You should:

  • Post on social media regularly about KY Gives Day, using the hashtag KYGives24
  • Email your supporters with updates and how they can help your KY Gives Day campaign
  • Thank your supporters in real-time on social media, in emails, or give them a call!
  • Celebrate!


The KY Gives Day Team will:

  • Share statistics from KY Gives Day, including nonprofit success stories, and describe the powerful change that will happen as a result of the generous donations to local nonprofits.

You should:

  • Share the results from your KY Gives Day participation and what those results mean.
  • Thank your donors and let them know exactly what their donations mean for your program.
  • Send handwritten notes to your fundraising champions and your Board for their assistance.
  • Send periodic updates on how the donations you received are being used. Keep your donors engaged by letting them know how their money is benefiting your organization and your cause.
  • Engage with your donors on GiveGab after KY Gives Day by posting volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and hosting events!